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Cheeky Chinchillas - Chinchilla Memorials Page 7
We feel so sad when we lose one of our pets.
It's so hard to say goodbye, but they will always remain in our hearts and thoughts.
If you would like to write a memorial to your chinchilla or pet, please email me
© Copyright Cheeky Chinchillas
Web Pages, Images and Sound Recordings on this site are copyright.
It is illegal to take any without permission
The content of this site is based upon the experiences of enthusiastic pet owners. The Webmaster cannot be held
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upon this information or opinions given.
22nd July 2016
Cheeky Chinchillas
For Owners of pet Chinchillas
In memory of my special boy Charlie who passed away early on Friday 22nd July 2016 aged 11.
You will never be forgotten you brought me and your granny many happy years with your playful character,
will miss you and your crazy noises and it will never be the same.
RIP my boy hope your no longer in pain. I love you. Lucy
27th July 2016
My little Dusty Boy, I've been so sad since we lost you on 7-27-16.
You battled a long time with your teeth problems, but you kept fighting back.
I will miss you trying to eat ketchup off my plate, sitting on my head, and the kisses you gave to me.
I love you Peepers. St. Francis will keep you safe until we meet again. Love, Your Mama Beth
October 2016
My new littlest fur baby angel, I only had you a few months in that time I had grown to love you.
Every day you made laugh. Each day you have been gone I miss you more. You left so suddenly.
I still can not believe you are gone. I want you to do whatever Chinchilla's do. Have fun making
and playing with your new furry friends. You have a brother there who will be looking for you.
His name is Sassy. Play nice with each other. You guys are so sorely missed.
When Mommy goes to the Rainbow Bridge, I will come and get you guys and we will be together
again. Until then be good and have fun. xoxoxo
Love Mommy
November 2016
Sylvester Coco, we didn't get enough time to love you but you will be always be loved.
We hope you are happy in Chinchilla heaven playing with your brother.
We love you so much, our perfect fighter.
9th July 1996 - January 14th 2017
Our beautiful Pippa, who lit up our lives for 21 happy years