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Cheeky Chinchillas - Chinchilla Memorials Page 6
We feel so sad when we lose one of our pets.
It's so hard to say goodbye, but they will always remain in our hearts and thoughts.
If you would like to write a memorial to your chinchilla or pet, please email me
© Copyright Cheeky Chinchillas
Web Pages, Images and Sound Recordings on this site are copyright.
It is illegal to take any without permission
The content of this site is based upon the experiences of enthusiastic pet owners. The Webmaster cannot be held
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upon this information or opinions given.
11.4.2010 - 21.6.2016
Please remember all my departed chins.
They are Fionn, Twilight, Mathilda, Snowflake and today, 21/6/2016, April joined them.
Rip April . You are with your mom and dad and baby sister on other side of rainbow bridge.
We miss you, love you and will never forget you.
Kisses forever till we meet again x
2010 - 26.5.16
My sweet Chilly died at home yesterday afternoon.
I met her in July 2010, and she adopted me.
She had been treated for an enlarged heart and subsequent heart failure since this past November.
She was a bundle of energy and love.
12.9.07 - 24.2.16
Max passed away this afternoon, it's been a very bad week.
We felt heart broken that Max passed away too, he knew that he was loved and had a good safe home.
He was one of our hardest rescues.
We are so glad we got to rescue him and take good care of him.
He will be with his brothers and sisters that have also passed.
The Furister family
6.09.09 - 21.2.16
She will be deeply missed and we thank God that we got the chance to take care of
her and give her a loving home.
The Furister family
January 2016
My darling Trigger who would have thought you would have bounced your way to 22 years old.
It breaks my heart to have seen you suffer at the end but I am happy I was there so you weren't on your own.
Go meet your sister little one who we sadly lost 8 years ago xxxxx
Bounce high my fluff ball we miss you
Lisa xxxx
January 8th 2016
Archie was 5 years old when he died.
Rest in peace my angel, you will be sadly missed
From your loving family
November 2015
You left 6 years ago aged 9 following the dental surgery.
I held you until the end, fiercely believing that this moment would never come.
There isn't a day I spent without thinking about you or talking about you.
My love for you has remained the same since the day I met you, 15 years ago in that small pet shop.
You grew up to be such a strong personality, beautiful and very clever, more human than a lot of people
I have met in my life. You were my child and I miss you dearly, everyday.
All my love for you, my little boy.
Mike xxx
12 November 2015
Our sweet little girl Saki died today at the age of 15 years 8 months.
Missed by the family and her sister, Taka.
31st October 2015
Goodnight my sweet Billy
Even though you were small you were a big character in our life.
I will miss the little noises you made, the bouncy run when you got your play time and the cheeky time you
escaped and jumped straight in your sand bath! You were a big part in our life's and we miss you dearly, it
was a short illness and a shock but at least you are not in pain.
Sleep tight until we all meet again. Dusty and frank miss you greatly.
Lots of love and cuddles Samantha and Nathan xx
April 1997 - 13th September 2015
In Loving Memory of Charlie.
Died suddenly in September 2015
RIP. Fiona
3rd November 1999 - 18th July 2015
Special memorial message to my PooDoo.
You were my best friend and brought me much joy and happiness.
You learned so many tricks and always could cheer me up when I was sad.
You can never be replaced in my heart, but I know you are not in pain and you are now with your
dad Ken again and keeping him company and making him smile again.
Although you were only 13 ounces all of your life you were a giant in my mind and heart.
You will always be remembered with love, Mom Michelle
Lottie and Rascal
Sadly we have lost two loving chinchillas; Lottie died age 12 on the 17th July 2012
and most recently, Lottie’s partner, Rascal, who died age 27 on the 2nd June 2015.
Both are greatly missed and the memories will always live on in our hearts.
Love you forever
Laura, Craig, Chloe and Joseph
05.02.2012 - 12.02.15
RIP our beautiful boy, we miss you more than you will ever know.
Dan and Daniella
December 23rd 2014
Misty I am so sorry for all you went through and so sorry I could not help you more.
We loved you so much and you bought joy to all of us.
You were always on the go and so funny and happy.
You just did not recover after dental surgery and we tried everything.
You spent your last night on my daughter's lap, she was your best friend too and helped me get you through.
I held you on that last morning before we said goodbye and hugged and kissed you one last time.
We love you Misty and hope you are now at peace.
Lynsey, Rikki and Savannah. xxxxxxx
December 21st 2014
I will miss having his little paws around my tea cup sharing a cuppa in the
mornings xxx and all of the cuddles xxxx
He is already greatly missed
Ashleigh xxx
Sputnik (aka..Spuddy, Pud Pud)
December 2001 - November 4 2014
There will never be another Spuddy, the best furry friend anyone could ask for.
Brother to Lucy Bear.
January 2012
To my Lucy Girl we miss and love you.
Lucy, you will always be in our hearts thank-you for being part
of our family and bringing us so much laughter and joy.
Love always,
Julie & Aaron
21st August 2014
Rosie passed away suddenly on 21st August 2014 at the age of 20.
Like her mum and sister before her she seemed to hang on until I was with her to take her final breath.
We have had 18 happy years with her and many fantastic memories we will miss her greatly but will
always remember all the fun we had with her. Now she is with her mum and sister again.
Good bye and thank you our lovely little Rosie.
Love Jane and Paul
12th July 2011
Poppy suddenly passed away on 12th July aged 16 years.
She will be missed very much by us as she has been with us for over 14 years and has given us a lot of pleasure.
She will also be dearly missed by her sister Rosie as they have never been apart.
We all hope she is now happy with her mummy Misty who passed away 3 years ago.
Lots of love to you Poppy and goodbye from Jane, Paul and Rosie XX
11th January 2008
After reaching her 16th birthday, Misty sadly passed away in my arms.
She had been ill for a few days but despite the vet's best efforts and lots of cuddles she slipped away peacefully.
Thank you to Misty for 11 years and now I will look after her 2 daughters for her.
R. I. P. Misty. Love Jane Goodbye mummy love Rosie and PoppyXX
June 2014
My partner and I lost our Chinchilla Alvin and life without him was almost unbearable.
We miss him very much and for a time after he died we could even hear him at night chewing
on his toys and running about ! Alvin was a wonderful Chinchilla and had a very cheeky streak.
We eventually got another chinchilla called Bertie and I like to think that Alvin is still here looking after Bertie
and keeping him safe when we are out. We will never forget you Alvin and we love you very much.
Always thinking about you, Love Mummy and Daddy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
16th February 2014
To my little Cheeky girl whom I sadly lost 16th Feb 2014 aged 71/2 years.
Thank you for being a part of my family and I will never forget you.
With lots of love your mum X
7th January 2014
Tonight we lost our baby Magenta after a short illness and operation to fix her malocclusion.
She just gave up fighting, but now she is free from the pain.
We will miss her and always love her. She leaves behind a sister Columbia XXX
Jane and Jason
Freddy, our beloved chinchilla, sadly died at 4 years old after not being well for a while.
We are glad you are no longer in pain, but it is beyond painful to have lost you.
You are the best chinchilla I have met, and can never be replaced. RIP sweet chilli.
25th May 2004 - 3rd August 2013
We lost Jerry our beloved chin this morning. Jerry has been part of our family for 9 years.
We found him passed on the bottom deck of his home.
It looks like he had a peaceful end which we are thankful for
He was a rescue and we loved him so much. He has given us so much joy and is going to be missed so much
Alison xxxx
August 2013
I would like to say bye to my baby, Gizmo.
A couple of months ago he developed a tumor between his front legs and in his neck.
I took him to the vets and they removed the tumors to which he got better and back to his playful and happy self.
However, he became blind in 1 eye and I started to worry about him. I then woke up 1 morning to find him lying
unable to move, I held him in my arms and said my goodbyes, as I knew it would be kinder to let him die peacefully.
I got back from work to find him dead, so happy I said my goodbyes when I did.
I know you will be safe up there Gizmo, always loved you and will always remember you.
8th August 2007 - 8th July 2013
We are going to miss him dearly, we found him in his hammock which was his favorite thing.
We are very lucky that we got to take care of him and gave him a good loving home for a little over three years.
The Furister family
In memory to our cheeky little chin Chico. Such a loveable and likeable character.
Our lives wont be same without you bouncing around and hearing you looking for your treats.
Taken far too young but Chinchilla heaven will be a brighter place with you there.
R.I.P Emma, Lynda and Paul
July 1st 2013
To my little Dolly bear,
I can't wait till we can be together again in paradise.
I love you so much and never will forget your smile that melted my heart.
Sleep well and be at peace my little friend. Lauren
January 2012 - June 23rd 2013
To my little Nikki a.k.a Sienna who we recently have lost.
I remember the first day I went to pick you up a little black hair ball who had a buffalo looking head.
Nikki was a sneaky little sister always stealing her sister's, Eva's, treats.
It's a shame that you were here with us for such a short time but it was enough time for you to be
embedded into your hearts forever.
Love and cared for by her aunts Erica and Jissel and her daddy Juan
24th May 2013
Thank you Ash for being a great friend in times when I had none, and for helping me
through some of the most difficult times in my life. You will forever live in my heart, and in
the hearts of those who knew you. I will love and miss you always.
Peville - Pev
21st April 2013
Peville - Pev,
I loved you even more than you think
That fateful morning when you had a stroke your last breath, your last look at me
<3 I WILL BE WITH YOU SOON <3 Love Megan
Sweet Pea
My dear Sweet Pea, I love and miss your rambunctious energy!
So full of daring feats like when you fly off the bed and land on my head!
Your soul possessed so much courage and energy and that's what made you so special!
Your heart was full of happiness and joy....and when I brought home your mate Violet, you were ecstatic.
The two of you were truly soulmates! She misses you as well as your babies, Scooter and Pepper.
We all look forward to being with you again on the other side of The Rainbow Bridge ... Kim
Melody Snow
29th April 2013
Melody Snow was the sweetest and most bumptious young lady I ever had. She used to drag her bowls
around to get our attention, a signature antic of another chin, Satin, and knew my heart absolutely.
She would hug me with all four paws, biting my sleeve to make sure she got a good grip.
She also would bite off chunks of her carry cages, the rugs, and the walls. She was the queen of chinchillas,
though she let her lady-in-waiting, roommate Lily, nibble off her whiskers.
Dutchess Lily was widowed when her husband Prince Rocky passed due to malocclusion of his teeth.
When Melody was about a year old, she got cataracts. We took her to a veterinary ophthalmologist,
who told us she was born with detached retinas, so he could not fix her. She was functionally blind from birth.
I always used my own or others’ psychic communication with my animals. This explained why my big white queen
told the animal communicator that she manages pretty well: “considering my disability.” She was able to navigate
her cage really well, run up a flight of stairs, and climb on the bed or in the tub.
Sometimes she would run into things, so I had to keep everything in the same place.
She would suddenly stop and stare off into the distance, as if listening to fairy wind chimes.
She came to me the night before she died and said good-bye. She was complete and very, very sick
(probably cancer, said the vets). She encouraged me to find a baby “so she could come back to me.”
I’m nearly finished with this process; a baby who was born the day Melody stopped eating at the end of her illness,
will be mine once she is weaned in about a week.
Melody was a very special animal who left her paw prints on my heart. I’ll never forget her.
Cheeky Chinchillas
For Owners of pet Chinchillas