Copyright ©
Cheeky Chinchillas - Chinchilla Memorials Page 4
We feel so sad when we lose one of our pets.
It's so hard to say goodbye, but they will always remain in our hearts and thoughts.
If you would like to write a memorial to your chinchilla or pet, please email me
© Copyright Cheeky Chinchillas
Web Pages, Images and Sound Recordings on this site are copyright.
It is illegal to take any without permission
The content of this site is based upon the experiences of enthusiastic pet owners. The Webmaster cannot be held
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upon this information or opinions given.
2002 - 27th May 2011
Snickers was 8 1/2 years old and a major part of my family he was so playful and such a good
boy. His brother smokey will miss him dearly as well us ...We we will miss him coming out of
his cage at night, running so fast on his wheel, eating his fav treats and most of all the love he
gave to us every single day!!!! We love and miss you soooo much and I feel like a part of my
family is missing and it won't be whole for a while!!! Maybe never.
Hope you're eating the treats you want.
Love always and forever, Mom, Dad, Matthew and of course Smokey
16th July 2007 - 19th May 2011
Always remembered.
Ay Fay
8th December 1995 - 1st November 2010
Always remembered.
26th May 2008 - 13th May 2011
I'm glad that you were my first ever Chinchilla, but I'm saddened by the loss of you at such a
young age. I am sorry that my Kidney Failure had to put a stop to the handling times that we had
together, and hopefully we'll meet again.
Phoenix; May you rise from the ashes, like your legendary namesake.
My beautiful little baby.
19th April 2011
Gizmo passesd away today, he was only 3, he had ulcers in his mouth which were not detected
by the first vet and was too late for him when they found them today, I am heart broken...
R.I.P. Gizmo, u will be sadly missed xxxx
8th April 2011
Dear Bumble, What can we say, we are just lost without you! You were our world and you have
left a massive hole in our hearts! We still have your cage, in your spot, clean and we were so
excited for you to come home but sadly you never came back.
We love you and miss you so much and you will never be forgotton.
Thomas and Jill xx
Chee Chee
25.10.1995 - March 2011
She was feisty and queen of her castle, she will be missed and always remembered.
It is with great sadness that I infrom you that my chinchilla Gideon has passed away at the age of
three after a short illness, he will be sadly missed by his buddy Pippin and myself.
Loved and missed by all the family.
The Furisters
I lost my beautiful Syrian in my arms last night.
Hope you can play with your other hamster friends.
Miss you, love you. Bye Bye Syrian
Dear Leon,Me and the family miss you terribly and I hope that the food across the Rainbow
Bridgeis good enough for your teeth. I love you and will see you soon.
13th November 2010
Just wanna say r.i.p Alfie.
I have enjoyed all our memories together.Love you my baby chinchilla x :'(
29th September 2010
Although you were only here with us for a short time you will be dearly missed by us, Ares.
I love you forever and for always my sweet furry boy.
13th Jan 2010 - 11th Sept 2010
To our little Depeche, we love you so so much, and we are so lost without you and your giant
ears and tickly whiskers.I still dash up the stairs when I get home to see you. I miss the sand
being all over the living room and you climbing in my jumper, you made our lives so much
brighter and always cheered us up. It would have been your first little christmas this year and we
were ready to make you up a little stocking of alfalfa! You were like our little baby, and we will
never forget you, ever.We will be rescuing chinnys next year in your name, and although we will
never love anyone as much as we love you, we will give those little chinnys as much love as we
can, and make them as happy as we would have made you into your old age.
We love you so much little snuggle flump, love your chin-parents x
Boo Boo Bear
25th March 2008 - 4th September 2010
Sadly, Boo Boo Bear has passed away. She developed teeth problems about 6 months ago,
and despite treatment and an operation never recovered.
Chris W
August 27th 2010
My little buddy Elvis passed away on July 18, 2010.
He was only 7 months old.I got his from a breeder when he was 4 months.
I didn't have him very long but I loved him so much, and I still miss him...
January 11th 2009 - August 22nd 2010
This is in memory of Ginger. She was sitting in a pet store and no one wanted her because she
has missing digits so we bought her. She was born January 11th, 2009 and she was a Tower
Hetero Beige and a lively little girl. When her cage mate died earlier this year something changed
in her and we couldn't find anything wrong with her. She lived each day to the fullest until
recently when her bright red eyes change to a dark black. She was to go to the doctor the next
day. But something went wrong and she broke her neck and my husband had to put her down.
No one was open around here to take her to. Ginger was a daddie's girl so this was hard on him
the most. She is now in Chin heaven with her cage mate.
We miss her already! Christine
August 8th 2010
We lost our Inuyasha (aka sweety poo & honey bunny) this past Sunday morning.
I think it was due to a respiratory illness. He passed while I was calling the vet hospital to try to get him help.
It came on quickly and took him quickly. He was my son's first pet. We had him for 8 1/2 years
and loved every minute with him. My heart is breaking over losing him.
He is the cutest little thing I have ever saw in my whole life.
Goodbye Inuyasha. We love you. Stacie and Bryan
July 11th 2010
Our wonderful little boy 'Boots' passed away today after some tooth problems.He was with us for
seven years, and was the best pet we could have asked for. We loved him very much.
He never caused us any problems; and was a joy to have around.
He is now in pet heaven with his previous roommates Chilly, Maggie (the dumbo rat) andBeans (the parakeet)!
Evelyn and Dale
June 4th 1992 - April 27th 2010
I will alway miss and love her, she was very special
April 2008 - October 2009
Poor little Jack had an accident and passed on to Heaven in October 2009.
Sweetest Chin ever and is greatly loved and missed.
June 4th 2005 - May 31st 2010
Stan was a great pet and will always be loved very much !!!
2004 - May 2010
Charlie will be missed by all the family. We all loved him very much.
Cheeky Chinchillas
For Owners of pet Chinchillas