Copyright ©
Cheeky Chinchillas - Chinchilla Memorials Page 2
We feel so sad when we lose one of our pets.
It's so hard to say goodbye, but they will always remain in our hearts and thoughts.
If you would like to write a memorial to your chinchilla or pet, please email me
© Copyright Cheeky Chinchillas
Web Pages, Images and Sound Recordings on this site are copyright.
It is illegal to take any without permission
The content of this site is based upon the experiences of enthusiastic pet owners. The Webmaster cannot be held
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upon this information or opinions given.
My little ginger friend, my computer companion, you will always be missed especially
baths times, and keeping me company on the computer. Mom, Dad, Me and The Cat and The
Chins are missing you. I can't believe you have gone and will be sadly missed.
Love Mel, Mom and Dad x x x
We miss you so much. Rest in peace little one.
Miss you so much.
You will never be forgotten and will see you soon
Melanie, Gizmo, Rascal, Nibbles and Mischief
Died suddenly 15/04/07 aged 2/3 leaving behind his brother Dec and myself his devoted and
devastated owner.You brought such fun, joy and laughter into my life Ant and for that I am
thankful.I promise to love and care for your brother and keep him safe until it is time for you to
be together again.
I miss you so very much and would give anything to have you back, be happy my little boy
Love Mummy xx
So many times I looked at this memorial page and thought, you would never be on this page.
How could Lucky, my best friend, my brother, my world pass away?
On April 6th , 2007 Lucky left for his next mission, saving chinchillas, and watching that I do
ok down here. I will miss him not just this minute while I am mourning, but every time I think
of my many blessings, every time I see the sun rise , every time I feel or see something beautiful.
There must have been a huge hole in heaven waiting to be filled by the best, most wonderful angel ever.
Lucky the chinchilla!!
Rest in peace and may your dust bath be the most luxurious, soothing dust bath that God can provide!
I love you LUCKY now and forever.
I loved Milly, by one day my mum came back from the vets and she had died Michelle
2001 - July 2005
My chinchilla, Gabby, had gotten REALLY sick and it came to the hardest thing that I had to do
was to depart from her...She is so VERY MUCH missed...
2001 - 2007
Sweet little Charlie passed away on April 1st 2007 at 7.30 pm he will be sadly missed by all of
us but especially Leanne who was his mistress.
Lots of love from Leanne, Yvonne, Martin.
Squeeks of love from Dyson the chin, Barnie, Ari & Yuha the degus & Curly Whirly, Dream,
Snowball & Lola The chipmonks
Hannah’s Gerbil
I would like to place a memorial to my loved gerbil who died on her birthday.
She is sadly missed :( Hannah
This is a memorial to my friends family bunny Carrots. You made us giggle with your little
nose. You loved carrots alot! You watched us play Play station while you ran around being all
cute and cuddly. We miss you. See you in the big squeaky wheel in the sky!
Hoppers mommy
Dear fluffy, I loved you so much but you were spoiled and died a harsh death of an ally cat.
I love you Fluffy's mommy
Dear Chymru I miss you so much as you were taken unjustly by the deadly eagle of death.
If we knew that there was something wrong with you earlier we could haved saved you.
But luckily you died peacfully and painlessly and now your soul will be taken to the stars and
you will be at rest forever.
Goodbye From Kieran
I miss you so much Brownie, you lived a long life, almost 3 years baby. You were the best
hamster ever. I miss you so much Julia
My bunny Oreo was a great pal. He passed on a while ago because he was old. I miss him a lot.
See you in the golden gates little pal! Mommy
This story goes out to my friend's cat Febian. You were the most friendly cat I've ever
known.You slept in your moms bed every night. Your beautiful white fur was very clean and
shiny and your love for your family was least you died when you were sixteen, we
weren't ready for you to go, but your happy now.
Your mommy misses you so very much
Sleep well pal. Nicole
Just Wanted To Let My Dog Bonnie Know That Shes Still Loved & Missed and will
never be forgotten ... I Grew Up With Her And She Was My Best Friend
I Just Wish She Didnt Age as quick as she did Miss You And Love You ...
Mum xxxXXxXXX
I Miss You So Much. You Made My LIfe Complete And Whole.
Now Your Gone I Feel So Empty And Alone I Should Never Have Tought You To Be
Such A Vain, Little Posing Budgie. I Miss You And Love You With All My Heart xXx
Love Your Daddy ... Chris xXxXx
My Hamster
I love u smore's...I miss u soooooo much...I should have fixed that sump pump so u
couln't drown...
I love u. Julia
Also remembering my aunt's cat, even though I never really like you that much, we all miss you dearly.
We thank the woman who hit you for at least telling us what happened.
I know my aunt misses you everyday.
We love you cat (sorry I don't remember your name)
Sr. Gomez
To my beloved 11 year old Sr. Gomez. I miss you so much.
May you forever have pecans and raisins with your pre surgery mouth.
You had such a strong fighting spirit - no more pain for you.
Love you tons. Chrystina
Sparky, Lady and Jester
This is dedicated to the ponies known as, Sparky, who died by a twisted gut on the 6/09/04
Lady, who died from cancer on the 8/01/02 and Jester by an accident, who was fighting for life for 3 days
on the 25/12/06 not such a christmas present!
You will be in my heart for ever Julia xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My best friend Sara had a rabbit named Snickers who died because her back legs were
paralyzed. When she told me the story it broke my heart.
Although I never met Snickers I'm sure she was a great friend.
Sara if you are reading this I want you to know I made this Memorial for you and Snickers
Miss you loads and forever in our hearts
Love Debbie, Colin, Sam, Stacey, Alisha, your best friend Molly (cat) and everyone who knew you
A while back one of my closest friends introduced me to her chinchilla. Then we decided
I wanted one and after months of researchabout them I finally got one!
His name was Rocket he would fall asleep in my basket with his big old teddy bear while I was on
the computer, but sadly he died.
This is for my beloved pet chinchilla, Bernie whom I loved with all my heart
To my wee boys Charlie and Gizmo
I will miss you both so much and you will always have aplace in my heart.
Gizmo passed away suddenly on 19/05/06 (aged 4 years) and Charlie on the 10/11/06 due to
an illness (aged 9 years). I know you both had a happy life whilst you were with me and I hope you
continue to have a happy life up in heaven.
Love you both loads Amanda
(mum) x x x
P.S. Hope you's get on better than you's did here, look after one another.
For my litle angel, Codi
I will always miss you and I will never forget you. Will watch sky in the night and I will see you up t
here between stars.You'll stay always in my heart. I love you so much. Cannot describe in words the pain I feel.
The words cannot express enough what I feel.
Love you Codi and already MISS YOU
To my Chinchilla Trevor ... I will miss you buddy!!!!
This is to my old cat Arnie who died a mounth ago, he had cancer in his intestine and we
put him to sleep as it was not fair to put him throught it.
I miss you Arnie, have a happy life in kitty heaven.
Love you you big sis (owner) charley x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
You were too young to have your life cut short. I am sorry I wasn't more careful.
Fly free little friend. Love me
This memorial is for my hermit crab, Lary, who died of old age, was such a great friend.
He only ever pinched me twice! You will always remain in my heart.
I really miss youLove,
Your mommy Rachel
This is to my cat Misha who died years ago.
We put her to sleep because she was old and had had heart disease
From your own, Alec and Nicole
Peepo and Daisy
To my beautiful friends Peepo the bird and Daisy the mouse....thank you for being in my lifeI miss you ...
and hope what people say is true ...that you are at peace, and having fun.
I miss you … you were angels in my life.
Peepo... I hope you are dancing to your song at the Rainbow Bridge ... Love me
Harry my beautiful, cheeky, adorable chinchilla. Sadly died on Sunday 8th October 2006.
He will be missed so much, we loved you and we will always remember you.
James, Michelle and Oliver
Chilly was a very special 'little boy'. He was our first chilla. My heart was attached to him
the first day that we saw him. We rescued him from the humane society. When I reached my
hand into the aquarium where he was being kept,Chilly hopped into my hand and sat there as if
to say "Let's go home!". He was 3 months old at the time.
Chilly, you will always remain in our hearts; and we will remember all of the years that we had together.
Chip and Finegan
First, I'd just like to give respect to the first chin I ever had, Chip - may I lways remember your night time
adventure! As well as Finagen (adopted- but sadly he was very sick) Chip was a mix chin, just a light grey,
and the first pet I ever had.I loved him very much and he loved to play constantly!
His cage was on the bottom floor of my house and one night the top of his cage was loose and he excaped!
But instead of attacking the table legs he climbed all the stairs untill he reached my room and jumped
against the door multiple times untill I woke up
In memory of a much loved chinchilla, Chichi. Sadly missed but never forgotten
I would like to dedicate this memorial to my chinchilla Stitch. I miss you so so much
Love Cassie
Scampi, Marmite, Daisy and Jasmine
I would like to dedicate this memorial to my rabbit Scampi, my guinea pigs Marmiteand Daisy
and my dog Jasmine, who I miss loads.
Auntie Lightning, Baby Quicksand, Uncle Stevee, La Belle Charbon, and the Little P'tilou
I would like to say to my beloved chinnies Auntie Lightning, Baby Quicksand, Uncle Stevee,
La Belle Charbon, and the Little P'tilou that I look at their photos and think about them
everyday, and although some of them passed away a few years ago, I do miss them very much.
Charbon, your sons and you daughter are as mischievious as you were !!!
Rest in peace my little ones. Geraldine
Today May 16th, 2006 my pet mouse, and friend, Lilly passed away.
It's hard to believe how close I was to her. She was a great mother, a caring friend to Daisy and very mischievous.
She was always the one that could find a way to escape from her cage, so many times…
I'd find her running about in my room.
And now she has made the great escape to the spirit world.
Lilly I loved you more than words can say. Rest in peace little mouse.
Love Daddy
I would like to dedicate this memorial to my rabbit Flopsy who died of rabbit flu a few years ago.
I remember that she used to growl at my dad and I still laugh when I think about it.
My mouse, Blizzard, died of old age in 2004. We had her 6 babies to remember her by, but I had
to take them to live in a petstore.
Also, I would like to say hi to my dog, frog, my brother's mouse, hamster, and 3 frogs.
My Chinchilla
I would like to put a memorial to my chinchilla and mum to my surviving chin, Princess, who
died of overheating, and Scrat, who died of natural causes. We hope you have fun up there.
Say hello to my rabbits, my gerbils, my dog and my goldfish, who should also be up there.
I would like to put a memorial for my black, short haired hamster Sidney, who got killed by an owl,
October 2004. At least her body was saved by my dog Molly, Sidney's best animal friend
Blackie and Scampers
I loved my two gerbils Blackie and Scampers so much.
They died of old age and I miss them so much.
I still remember how they frolicked around the cage, cheering me up when I was sad!
I would like to include a memorial for my beloved chinch Melly, who passed on 12/27/05 after a fatal
accident. We had her a year to the day and will miss her terribly. We will remember her loving, sweet
personality and her love for tree twigs, corn on the cob and ferret toys. Please forgive us, Melly, for the
pain we caused you. Your departure saddens us more than you will ever know.
We were so heartbroken when we had discovered that you had passed onto Rabbit Heaven on 01/02/06.
We know what you were suffering and were saddened but relieved that you no longer had to endure your pain.
We will remember your love for drywall and carpeting plus your obsession with raisins and celery stalks.
You were a very gentle and loving rabbit who always loved to be hugged and kissed. We love you and hope
that you are hopping around in Heaven with Melly, Rabbitta (Little Chubby), Chocolate and Coffee.
Please don't chew any electrical wires while you are enjoying yourself.
Love Jennifer, Anjuli and Sarina
On December 10th, my precious maroon bellied conure (bird) JACK was killed.
I will miss his friendship, his comical ways, his obvious love and curiosity for life.
Sleep well Jack, I will see you at the Rainbow Bridge.
Love Daddy
Cheeky Chinchillas
For Owners of pet Chinchillas