Copyright ©
Cheeky Chinchillas - Chinchilla Memorials Page 1
We feel so sad when we lose one of our pets.
It's so hard to say goodbye, but they will always remain in our hearts and thoughts.
If you would like to write a memorial to your chinchilla or pet, please email me
© Copyright Cheeky Chinchillas
Web Pages, Images and Sound Recordings on this site are copyright.
It is illegal to take any without permission
The content of this site is based upon the experiences of enthusiastic pet owners. The Webmaster cannot be held
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upon this information or opinions given.
19th September 1989 - 5th November 2009
To my little angel who we have recently lost, you battled on for so long and you lived a healthy and
fun life with lots of funny memories. I will miss you very much, I can never replace you, my little fluff ball.
Rest in peace my little fluff ball, have fun playing with all the other animals.
Lots of love your loving mum, Joanna xxx
4th November 2009
Dear Kiki:
I lost you last night, but don't worry. When it is time, I will come to the Rainbow Bridge
to get you and we will never be apart again.
Love, Mom
Rockie was a very playful and mischievous chinchilla, everyone misses him even Roxie your friend!
It will never be the same without you. You will always be remembered.
Loved and cared for by Sarah and Susan xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
August 2009
Oreo was never healthy. We got him from a pet store where all of the other mice and gerbils were
very mean to him. My mom stayed up with him all night. He had a a heat attack and just layed there.
He was a real trouper. He will always be remembered.
26th July 2009
Our sweet Leo passed last night after a 4 month recovery from being stepped on.
He had great spirit and was a real fighter. Lauren and I gave him the best of care over the past months.
We love him and will miss him terribly!
Terri and Lauren
George, Suzy and Princess Peppa
July 2009
My three beautiful chin babies died within a space of six weeks...they were very special to us.
We callled them George, Suzy and Princess Peppa.......Princess Peppa died at 6 weeks and we had been
so hopeful that she would survive. They will all live on in our hearts.
Alison xxx
15th July 2009
In memory of my beautiful chinchilla, Jewel
Loved and missed so much. Sleep peacefully.
Cody xx
31st January 2008
R I P Pico
She sadly had to be put to sleep on 31/01/08. We all miss you so much Pico, even puss!
We all hope you're happy and not in any pain now.
*Miss you* xxx Sleep Tight baby xxx
28th May 2009
My little angel Squeeky passed away today.
The Vet said Squeeky had an enlarged heart. Squeeky was gentle and kind to everyone.
Squeeky will be missed dearly by his family and Chin friends Rocky, Scrappy, and cagemate Cheeky.
We will always love you Squeeky!!!!
Baby Lexie
27th may 2009
Baby Lexie was only a week old and died on the morning of May 27/09.
I hardly knew her but I feel torn up that she could not live longer.
Forever in my heart...
Forever in Mommy chin Pepper and daddy chin Chili's hearts, and your sister Ellie's as well.
Love you <3
I would like to say goodbye to a little chinchilla who was dear to us.
Koko is loved and missed, we're sorry we couldn't help you recover.
Goodbye, love Katie
Baby Angel
31st March 2009
We just lost the baby tonight and we are very sad, even thou we had only had her three days she
grew atached to our hearts and will never be forgotten. We named her Baby Angel.
Jackie and Stanley
Max was a sweet chinchilla and to find him dead was the the worst day of my life!!!!!!!!!!!
R.I.P. Shadow luv yah x
R.I.P. Basil, glad you're at rest and not in pain now
Kelbert and Zoe
March 2008
Gizmo died in March and it was very hard to deal with it.
I now have 2 new chinchillas who are cute and fluffy.
Captain Cage
29th November 2008
In the early morning hours of November 29, 2008, we lost a big part of our family.
Captain Cage would have been 7 years old this February. Despite the vets best efforts and plenty of love,
the maloclusion couldn't be fixed and it resulted in an abcess. We will miss him terribly.
To my little Punkin',
You were my little man for 7 years. I don't know what I'm going to do without you.
I wish I could have played with you one more time. I wish I could have fed you Cheerios one more time.
I wish I could cuddle with you one more time. There will never be another like you.
Wait for mommy, Cage. I'll bring Cheerios and raisins. I love you.
January 2007
I have been privileged enough to share the last 4 years of your life with you, and for that I am truly thankful.
We had our ups and downs with your illness. But you never let that get you down.
And through it all you have been a pleasure to have in my life.
You made me smile when I was down, and never failed to make me laugh at feeding time!
You always managed the lions share of the food, much to the annoyance of Gizmo.
You are so sadly missed. The cage seems so huge without you. Gizmo has lost a fantastic companion.
I have lost a fantastic friend. Rest now baby. You will never be forgotten.
Love you. Mum x
October 2008
To my little soldier Gizmo, a huge thank you for all the love you have shown over the last five and a half years.
And for the companionship you showed to Peppa before he fell asleep last year.
You had a rough start to life which I hope I rectified in your final years.
You were alone for a while before I thought you were ready for another friend.
Sure enough, along came Harley. You welcomed him into your home within a week, which shows what a star you were.
I am sorry that you had to go to sleep baby, but you were suffering and I loved you too much to put you through it.
Forgive me please. You are now with Peppa again in your new painless world.
Rest now little one.
Love and miss you. Mum x
30th September 2008
My beautiful little girl, taken so suddenly from us. We are going to miss you so much.
I found my little girl fast asleep in her cage in the early hours of this morning.
Spikey is going to miss you so much but Mummy and Daddy will look after him for you...
Love you and will miss you always xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Willy and Puka
August and September 2008
I miss you, my dear little boy, Willy and Puka very much ... Anda
4th April 1996 - 6th March 2006
A cheeky little chappie loved and cared for by Amy
26th August 2008.
Remembering a very special chinchilla called Coco.
Loved and cared for by Holly
20th July. My Chinchilla Mischu died in the early hours of the morning in my Mum's arms.
Mischu died from her teeth growing too long and not eating.
I Will Allways Love You My Baby Girl. R.I.P Mischu
My tears were flowing while going thru the pages of the memorials, my love chinchilla, "Pupu" passed away
April 7th, 2008. I missed him every day since, morning when I wake up to say hello to him, every dinner time,
and everytime I go up and down our stairs with him, and mostly before going to bed, I usually spent half
to an hour with him.
I am in mourning ever since, and don't know how or when this sadness in my heart will go away.
I love you Pupu, and will always will............Dad
A few weeks ago I lost my chinchilla Bertie.
All my family loved him and he was a lovely chinchilla with a huge personality.
He is missed alot.
I love him and he will always be in my heart.
R.I.P XxXxXx
February 22nd, 2008. To Flash.
We only had you for two months, but in that time you went from timid to the most loving and cuddly little guy.
It was heartbreaking to put you in your cage last night, healthy and happy, only to find you this morning
curled up in your bed, forever sleeping.
We will miss you every day.....Jaimes and Eloise
February 20th, 2008
We will never forget you.
Cheeky Charlie
January 2008
A couple of weeks ago I lost my beloved Cheeky Charlie, who will be so sadly missed........
You knew how to get around me to get extra treats......hope you get plenty up there!!!
Love you charlie....Bye Bye Julie
January 2008
After having a general anaesthetic to have some work done on your teeth, you wouldn't start
eating and drinking again. We did everything we could as did the vets but you got too weak.
You were only five and I'd hoped your were going to be around for a lot longer.
Miss you so much,
Shell xxxxxxxxx
So young you didn't get to see/nibble much of the world.
Sorry we didn't have the time to get to know each other more buddy.
Little Miss and Scrat will miss you.
Peace. Campbell
I had Twitch for around 4 years which made it very very hard for me to say goodbye to him.
He would run around my bedroom each day when i did my homework.
Every night at 9 o clock I would hear him chewing on the bars of his cage, but one night I went to bed
and never herd him chewing on the bars. I assumed he was ok. I was wrong.
The next morning I woke up to find him dead. I wasn't extremely upset because I knew he had a good life.
We hope your happy up there Twitch.
Love Eimhin
Who died tragically when her paw caught in a bundle of fluff. It was like a wire that kept cutting
into to her leg until it reached the bone. When she was practically dead, I got an earbud and fed
her water and yoghurt. Next morning she was perfectly fine, but a week after, we went on holidays
for two months and sadly, she died in her sleep only two days before we returned to Ireland.
She is very dearly missed here back home.
Hope your ok up there,
love Lauren
We will always miss your sweet and fun nature! We were so happy to have you in our family.
What a fast 3 years that went by. We'll always love you!
Mommy, Daddy and Zoe.
Poppy, our time was cut short together, miss you already. I need your cuddles at the moment.
Love you soooo much. Rest in peace, hope your in a better place.
Love you.
Love mummy (Sian) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Albeano and Diesal
Albeano and Diesal you are both missed greatly by your mummy and daddy and your two
sisters Esmarealda and Serafiena.
Each and every single day of the week we all still miss you both very much and we all hope
you crossed the rainbow bridge safe and sound little ones.
Love you both very much. God bless you both Amen.
Love from Andrea, Colin, Emma and Lauren
Spuggy, Reggie and Ronnie
Spuggy - the finest spug that ever was alive...
He made our life richer and launch'd us on our voyage of Spugdom.
Reggie and Ronnie - The Terrible Twins. Together in heaven
Violet, Mummy and daddy miss you.
24th of December 2007
To Pippin my first ever chinchilla who passed away on 24th of December 2007.
Don't know why but you just hadn't been yourself for a few days and the vet thought you'd be alright.
Sadly it wasn't to be. You'll always be remembered Pip as you were my favourite and the cheekiest
of the two of you. Poppy and lucky miss you lots. I'd give anything to have your little face wanting treats.
Rest well wee man and look after Poppin.
Much love Hazel xxxx
To Poppin my first baby chinchilla who was 8 months old, who sadly passed away in October
2007.Don't know what happened but was so sad to hear you'd passed on through the night on
Sunday.If only I knew why, it might've been less of a shock.
Rest now little one xHazel
Poppy who sadly passed away on 7th March 2008.
You were never the same since Pippin died. but you are reunited again with Poppin. Sleep well
Hazel. P.S. Look down on ebony for us
Our cheeky mischievous Ebony sadly passed away on the 1st of December 2014 aged 6years.
His dad Pippin, mum Poppy and big brother Poppin are also remembered above.
He had a small operation for an absess which sadly he never really recovered from.
I am soooo sad today. We had to evacuate San Diego with our chinchillas and one of them got sick en route.
We took her to a local vet and there was nothing they could do. Daisy was a lovable beige chin.
Mate of Henry, mother of Snivelous and Ronald.
She will be missed.
January 2004 to October 2007
You are sadly missed. Love you always. You are always in our hearts.
Miss you loads and loads. Rest in peace Tibs God Bless.
Love From Mammy & Daddy & Bon
17th September 2007
Died on 17th September after contracting pneumonia. The pain of losing you Dec will live with me forever,
you where my little baby whom I loved so very, very much. I am finding it so very hard to accept that you
have left me to be with your brother Ant who died back in April.
The love, joy and laughter you brought me each and everyday made me so happy and for that little man
I thank you. I hope I made you feel happy, safe and loved during your time with me, I just wish more than
anything in the world that you would have stayed with me for many more years as you was my best friend
whom I feel lost without. Give Ant a kiss for me and remember that I will never forget either of you.
Love and hugs forever, mummy xxxx
I would like to remember my neighbours chinchilla, Boomerang.
He was a sweet little bouncer and always brought a smile around with him!
He encouraged me to get a chinchilla and get into all this chinchilla stuff.
He will be greatly missed.
12th September 2007
In loving memory of my sweet angel 'Febe Grace Eyre'.
Born 14th February ~ Crossed to the Rainbow Bridge 12th September 2007.
Our time together cut short so suddenly. Yet a time filled with a love that will live forever.
You came and stole my heart as fast as you broke it. Be happy my angel baby.
Love you always…
Mummy, Dolly, Bonnie, Bill & Ben xxxxx
My beloved Lady, a beautiful gray chinchilla, she came down with pheumonia, and didn't make it...
She will always be in my heart, may she rest in a better place.
This is for my cousin's fish named Charlie. Although we didnt have you for long, we still miss that
cute fishy face of yours. Your special fishy friend Tiny misses you dearly and didn't come out of his
cave for a while. So we miss you dearly! -
Hopper's mommy
Although you were very naughty, you brought us a lot of laughters.
We treasured every moment we spent together in the last 3 years.
You are always the most beautiful and lovely MuiMui in my heart.
Miss you so much.
I would like to place a memorial for my sisters pet rabbit Bonnie.
She died very suddenly one morning because where we live it gets cold.
She was fine one morning and then died the next. Ashleigh loves you Bonnie.
If you are listening, Ashleigh would give anything to have you back.
Also in memory of Blacky, Tibbs, Slippers, Socks, Butchie, Tyson, Cat, Daphenie and all those fish we had
To our poor friend Slippers. You died so suddenly we love you, you little rabbit
Ash & Issy
Mr Cuddles
Had a sad loss last week of one of my older chinchillas. Not sure of his age as he was a rescue,
but I know he was over 10 years old, his name was Eric or we called him Mr Cuddles.
Squeaker, our beloved rat of 3 years who died of congestive heart failure. We miss you terribly.
The house is not the same without your noises.
When we look at the cage we can still see you sleeping in the exercise wheel.
Please watch over us. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten.
Hugs and kisses.
Your loving family
Cheeky Chinchillas
For Owners of pet Chinchillas